
Slideshow: School Of Rock Performs Live For First Time Since Beginning Of Pandemic

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Angiolina Gabriel performs for the Stuart's Opera House's afterschool music program, School of Rock, during their first live performance since the COVID-19 pandemic started, in Nelsonville, Ohio, on Friday, June 4, 2021. “You know normally everything culminates in a performance at the Nelsonville Music Festival, and I thought we just weren’t going to have a performance this year,” says Adam Remnant, one of the directors of the music program. “So this was kind of a last minute plan and I’m happy with how it came together. It felt like a little bit of return from exile.” [Joseph Scheller | WOUB]
Ginger Seurkamp (right), drove 12 hours from Texas with her husband, Harry, to be with and watch their grandchildren perform in their band, The Counterfeit Painters, in Nelsonville, Ohio, on Friday, June 4, 2021. This was the Seurkamp's first trip from Texas to visit their relatives in Ohio since the start of the pandemic. [Joseph Scheller | WOUB]
Mason Martin performs for the Stuart's Opera House's afterschool music program, School of Rock, during their first live performance since the COVID-19 pandemic started, in Nelsonville, Ohio, on Friday, June 4, 2021. “I’ve always loved doing this, this is one of my favorite things to do is performing and being up on stage and seeing people,” says Martin. “…’felt like going back up there was as easy as writing or speaking, [and] for me personally up there on the stage that’s where I feel like I can be the most open I can be. And I was just happy to be back up there especially after all this time.” [Joseph Scheller | WOUB]
Helen Todd (left), and Kenneth Tyo congratulate Tatum L’Heureaux after her performance with School of Rock, in Nelsonville, Ohio, on Friday, June 4, 2021. “We had no idea she could do this,” says Tyo, of L’Heureaux’s musical performance. “We didn’t even know this was happening. That little girl’s been our neighbor since she was really young.” [Joseph Scheller | WOUB]
Angiolina Gabriel smiles while being applauded by the crowd after performing a solo act with School of Rock, an afterschool music group run out of Stuart's Opera House, while in Nelsonville, Ohio, on Friday, June 4, 2021. [Joseph Scheller | WOUB]