Beyond The Court: Meigs High School Students and the Home Court Advantage They Create
By: Curtis Feder, Max Brunke
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When you hear the term “Home Court Advantage”, Meigs truly embodies the ideology. A packed student crowd fills the Marauders gym for home games, and at times, can be a deafening environment to play in.
From the words of boys’ coach Jeremy Hill, “They work just as hard as the players do, and that atmosphere is created by them.”
The students truly facilitate a positive atmosphere, from fun halftime activities to incredible crowd noise during the game. The individual characters within the Marauders student section helps bring the entire group out of their comfort zone, and as a result, amps up the advantage Meigs has on their home court.
It’s not just the students of Meigs High School, either. Even the parents seem to join in with the hype, especially when the action on the court is in the Marauders favor. Whether or not it’s the students that facilitates that will never be known for fact, but it surely seems to play a role.
The boys’ Marauders fell in their latest home contest against Vinton County, but the crowd never slept for a second; confirming to the entire TVC that Meigs truly does play with a sixth man on the court.