How did your county vote on Issue 1 and Issue 2?
By: WOUB News Team
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ATHENS, Ohio (WOUB) — Voters in Ohio passed both Issue 1 and Issue 2 during Tuesday night’s General Election, according to unofficial results.
Issue 1 enshrines abortion and reproductive rights into the state’s constitution and was passed with a little more than 56 percent of voters casting ballots in favor.
Ohio becomes the seventh state to vote to affirm abortion rights since the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade last year. It’s also the fourth Republican-run state where voters have upheld the right to abortion.
Here’s a tool created by NPR to help you see how your county voted on Issue 1:
Issue 2 is a citizen-initiated statute to legalize and regulate the growing, manufacturing, testing and sale of pot for any reason to people over 21 and passed with 57 percent of voters casting ballots in favor, according to unofficial results.
Ohio becomes the 24th state to legalize recreational marijuana after the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol first took it to the legislature in January. When lawmakers didn’t act, the group gathered signatures to put Issue 2 on the November ballot.
Here’s a tool created by NPR to help you see how your county voted on Issue 2:
For more unofficial results from the General Election, click here.