
Estimate - An approximation of an answer or measurement.

- A plane figure formed by two rays having a common endpoint.

Reminder: The military, emergency services, and hospitals express military time without the colon and add 'hour' afterward. Science and engineering circles usually insert a colon between the hours and minutes.

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Math Standards
The Amazing Chase Changing Spaces Elimidata Fear Fraction The Simplified Life Business Makeover Survival The Ohiobournes
  Math Standards  

Use proportional reasoning and apply indirect measurement techniques, including right triangle trigonometry and properties of similar triangles, to solve problems involving measurement and rates.

Formulate a problem of a mathematical model in response to a specific need or situation; determine information required to solve the problem; choose a method for obtaining this information; and set limits for acceptable solution.

Draw and construct representation of two- and three-dimensional geometric objects using a variety of tools, such as a straightedge, compass and technology.