You are viewing the "Plastics" Archives
How Big Oil Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled
An NPR and PBS Frontline investigation reveals how the oil and gas industry used the promise of recycling to sell more plastic, even when they knew it would never work on a large scale.
Trump Seizes On Soggy Paper Straws As Campaign Issue: ‘Make Straws Great Again’
The president’s reelection campaign is selling reusable and recycled straws in its 2020 online store, because, it says, “Liberal paper straws don’t work.”
Replacing Plastic: Can Bacteria Help Us Break The Habit?
Entrepreneurs are eager to find substitutes for plastic that naturally degrade. One option is a “natural” plastic made by microbes and then eaten by them. But the process is still in the early days.
Microplastics Have Invaded The Deep Ocean — And The Food Chain
Giant gyres of plastic in the ocean grab headlines, but it’s the tiny bits of plastic that scare scientists. And they’ve made their way everywhere, a new study finds – including our seafood.
As Ohio Valley Ponders Plastics Growth, Report Warns Of Threat to Climate
As a new plastics industry emerges in the Ohio Valley, a report by environmental groups warns that the expansion of plastics threatens the world’s ability to keep climate change at… Read More