You are viewing the "U.S. House" Archives

Who is Rep. Patrick McHenry and why is he the interim House speaker?
By: Megan Pratz | NPR
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WASHINGTON (NPR) — Prior to Kevin McCarthy’s ouster in a historic motion to vacate Tuesday, most people probably hadn’t heard of Rep. Patrick McHenry, the bespectacled and bow-tied gentleman from… Read More

Recent infighting raises the question: How conservative is the GOP?
By: Danielle Kurtzleben | NPR
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WASHINGTON (NPR) — A few weeks ago, Americans — or, the subset who get excited about these things — were glued to C-SPAN as the House voted 15 times for… Read More

Democrats Unveil Changes To House Rules On Debt Ceiling, Ethics
By: Susan Davis | NPR
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The new rules include automatically increasing the debt ceiling when a new budget is passed and setting up a committee on climate change.