
Summer Start Possible For OU Renovation Projects

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Five Ohio University renovation projects could begin this summer if the state legislature passes a capital budget this spring.
The plan would give Ohio University more than $20 million toward capital expenses to support infrastructure improvements, projects Harry Wyatt, OU Associate Vice President for Facilities, says he hopes to have completed within a year and a half of receiving the money.
"For the state appropriations, all the appropriations are going toward deferred maintenance, taking care of our buildings. The big ticket item is Alden Library: replacement of air handlers, replacement of distribution system, a phase program has been going on over time. Now the big ticket item on the capital plan itself that is debt-funded is the Scripps College of Communications move into Old Baker," said Wyatt.
The plan also includes renovations to Lindley Hall, The Convocation Center, Pruitt Field, and repairs on West Green.
Aside from these necessary areas included in the plan, there's one area Wyatt says he would love to see renovated.
"I'm a history buff so I like The Ridges and I'd love to see a comprehensive renovation of the Kennedy Museum, and a recreation of the old ward wings on each side of the Kennedy Museum, maybe not a rehabilitation but a re-creation that might put offices or studios or other functions, maybe apartments even," said Wyatt.
The legislature is expected to vote on the appropriation this May and funding could become available three to four months later.