
Belmont County Midterm Elections Results

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In Belmont County, Republican Jerry Echemann beat the incumbent Mark Thomas for the county commissioner’s seat. David Trouten the clerk of courts is now the Eastern Division County Court Judge.

The St. Clairsville-Richland City Schools District was hoping to expand with two bond issues that would’ve totaled more than $85 Million – one to upgrade school facilities and the other to build natatorium – they were both voted down.  The Emergency Medical Services levy for the city of Martins Ferry was also defeated – it would’ve added 3 mills for the next 5 years.

The voters in the Shadyside School District passed their levy. The current expenses levies for Shadyside Village, Brookside Village, Holloway Village, Wheeling Township, and Yorkville Township all passed, as well.

You can get a look at the other races in Belmont County here.