
Open Call For Submissions to ‘Essentially Athens’ Anthology Through March 25

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Athens’ Poet Laureate, Kari Gunter-Seymour, has extended her call for submissions for Essentially Athens, an anthology that she is curating that will be made up of poems, stories, and songs that all illuminate various senses of place associated with Athens, OH and that will be published later this year.

WOUB’s Emily Votaw spoke to Gunter-Seymour, contributing poet and editor of the volume Kristine Williams, as well as Jeff Hanson another contributing poet, about the volume, in the interview embedded above. In the interview you will also hear the poems that Hanson and Williams have submitted to the anthology.

General guidelines for submissions to ‘Essentially Athens’:

  • Interested writers should email (1) poem OR (1) song OR one (1) short story/essay MAXIMUM 1200 WORDS as a WORD.doc or .docx attachment to 
  • Along with an 80 word, third person bio.
  • One submission per person.
  • All of the work must have an Athens “sense of place” theme.
  • Writers under the age of 18 must also submit a document of parental consent for publication.
  • The submission period for the anthology is open through March 25, 2019.