HS spring sports canceled: Seniors react to saddening news
By: Thomas Garverick
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ATHENS, OH — The disbelief.
“You know it’s going to happen, but it doesn’t feel real,” Athens high school Track and Field senior McKenna Bruce said.
That your senior season has been taken away.
“Why us? Why this class? I was looking forward to so many things,” Athens high school Track and Field senior Caroline Brandes said.
That somehow, you have to accept.
“It’ll set in, but still at this point is still kind of unfathomable,” Athens high school baseball senior Nate Trainer said.
That there won’t be another game.
“You will do anything to go out there one more time. So, enjoy it while you have it,” Athens high school baseball senior Andrew Stephens said.
Their senior day now a lit up field, sound of bells and car honks to honor them.
“Just seeing the pictures of everything. It was really cool to see the community just do something to honor us because this time is disappointing, but they’re finding a way to support everyone,” Brandes said.
In a time where they have lost so much, they choose to think about others.
“It’s really important for us to think about them and keeping them safe — people who are more vulnerable to this,” Bruce said.
“Just trying to stay positive. Trying to understand that it’s not just something we’re suffering through, just being there for everyone,” Trainer said.
And reminding themselves.
“We’re still going on to college — there are bigger plans ahead even though this is not how we wanted to end our senior year,” Brandes said.
Their final years end with an unwritten chapter, but they hang onto to the moments that got them there.
“At least we’re able to have those experiences over time — just more trying to look back and appreciating those moments instead of thinking about what could’ve been,” Trainer said.
“I’m glad that I had these memories and I’ll have them for the rest of my life,” Stephens said.