You are viewing the "Jeff Worley" Archives

The New Short Story: Dinty W. Moore Cultivates Flash Nonfiction For The Digital Age
By: Jeff Worley
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To get a quick sense of who Dinty W. Moore is and where he is on the planet, take a deep breath and read from his self-styled online bio: "Dinty lives in Athens, Ohio, the funkadelicious, hillbilly-hippie Appalachian epicenter of the locally-grown, locally-consumed, goats-are-for-cheese, paw-paws-are-for-eatin', artisanal-salsa, our-farmers-market-rocks-the-hills sub-culture, where he grows his own heirloom tomatoes and edible dandelions, and teaches a crop of brilliant undergraduate and stunningly talented graduate students as director of Ohio University's BA, MA, and PhD in Creative Writing program." Exhale. It's immediately apparent that Moore likes what he's doing and where he's living.

Stand Up, Brand Up: Mark Twain’s Comic Legacy
By: Jeff Worley
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Mark Twain lived his life as a riverboat pilot, reporter, editor, inventor, humorist, author and publisher. In her new book, Twain's Brand, OU's Judith Yaross Lee examines the first American author-celebrity to blaze the trail of "branding" himself and his work, and his impact on modern-day performers such as Jerry Seinfield, Garrison Keillor and Margaret Cho.

“Ultra-Talking” With Poet Mark Halliday
By: Jeff Worley
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Jeff Worley talks with the acclaimed poet, critic and OU Distinguished Professor about his imaginative, accessible style of writing.

All Out Of Love: Athens Author Explores Mysterious Nature Of Romance
By: Jeff Worley
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Kristina may be falling for the UPS man. When he rings her doorbell, she tingles. She orders things she doesn’t need or want—extendible fan blade dusters, silver serving spoons (she… Read More

OU Prof’s Book Takes New Look at Hemingway
By: Jeff Worley
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He was the larger-than-life literary icon who, in the 1930s and 1940s, was considered to be the greatest living writer of prose fiction. He was a risk-taker with an unslakable… Read More