Unofficial Election Results for Jackson County
By: Michelle Rotuno-Johnson
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Here are the unofficial results in Jackson County for Ohio’s extended primary, according to the county Board of Elections. Only contested races are listed.
For Democratic presidential nominee: Joseph Biden received 753 votes, Bernie Sanders received 140 votes, Michael Bloomberg received 26 votes, Elizabeth Warren received 35 votes, Tulsi Gabbard received 4 votes, Tom Steyer received 5 votes, Pete Buttigieg received 14 votes, Michael Bennet received 5 votes, Deval Patrick received 3 votes, and Amy Klobuchar received 20 votes.
For the United State House of Representatives, 6th district: Shawna Roberts (D) received 788 votes, Bill Johnson (R) received 3,093 votes, and Kenneth Morgan (R) received 621 votes.
For State Supreme Court Justice, term beginning Jan. 1, 2021: John P. O’Donnell (D) received 746 votes and Sharon L. Kennedy (R) received 2,954 votes.
For State Supreme Court Justice, term beginning Jan. 2, 2021: Jennifer Brunner (D) received 780 votes and Judi French (R) received 2,859 votes.
Jackson County commissioner, term beginning Jan. 2, 2021: Donnie Willis (R) received 1,804 votes, Ed Armstrong (R) received 1,675 votes, and James Milliken (R) received 477 votes.
Jackson County commissioner, term beginning Jan. 3, 2021: Paul Haller (R) received 1,679 votes, Gregory Beckner (R) received 1,443 votes, and Bobbi Montgomery (R) received 861 votes.
Jackson County prosecuting attorney: Justen Lovett (R) received 2,298 votes and Gene Meadows (R) received 1,600 votes.
Jackson County recorder: Krista Brown (R) received 1,971 votes, Kendra Davis (R) received 1,083 votes, and Jeremy Eisnaugle (R) received 911 votes.
Coalton parks and rec levy renewal, 1.75 mills: 13 votes yes, 7 votes no.
Coalton cemetery maintenance levy renewal, 2 mills: 24 votes no, 4 votes yes.
Wellston fire levy renewal, 3.5 mills: 542 votes yes, 234 votes no.
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