Here are the unofficial 2023 General Election results for Coshocton County
By: WOUB News Team
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COSHOCTON COUNTY, Ohio (WOUB) – Here are the unofficial results for contested races and local issues in Coshocton County.
Democrat Mark Mills earned a position as mayor of Coshocton with 71% of the vote. Republican Tom Heading earned 29% of the vote.
Democrat Bob Skelton earned a position as Coshocton director of law with 65% of the vote. Republican William Todd Drown earned 35% of the vote.
Republican Thomas Barcroft earned a position as Coshocton council member at large with 25.6% of the vote. Democrat Michelle Turner Ganz earned a position as Coshocton council member at large with 25.5% of the vote. Republican Jim Kreis earned a position as Coshocton council member at large with 25.3% of the vote. Republican Robert Leist earned 23.5 % of the vote.
Republican Roger Moore earned a position as Coshocton council member for the third ward with 66% of the vote. Michael Cutshall earned 34% of the vote.
Jennifer McFarland earned a position as Village of Conesville mayor with 77% of the vote. Darcy Rehm earned 23% of the vote.
Jessica Tubbs earned a position as Village of West Lafayette mayor with 49% of the vote. Stephen Bordenkircher earned 31% of the vote. Tyler Maple earned 20% of the vote.
Michael Varns earned a position as Bethlehem Township trustee with 43% of the vote. Pat Snyder earned 33% of the vote. James Hoy earned 24% of the vote.
Benny Patterson earned a position as Clark Township trustee with 54% of the vote. Mark McCombs Sr. earned 25% of the vote. Zane Tope earned 21% of the vote.
Larry Boal earned a position as Franklin Township trustee with 60% of the vote. Devin Donley earned 22% of the vote. Ken Jennings earned 13% of the vote. Jackie Umstead-Ortt earned 5% of the vote.
David Lapp earned a position as member of River View Board of Education with 30% of the vote along with Evan Fischer who earned 29% of the vote, and Gail Gallwitz, who earned 23% of the vote. D. Cordell Brown earned 18% of the vote.
Scott Ford earned a position as member of Tri-Valley Board of Education with 27% of the vote along with Steve Barr, who earned 24% of the vote, and Elizabeth Brocklehurst, who earned 22% of the vote. Christine Croyle earned 14% of the vote. Nick Howard earned 13% of the vote.
Voters in Adams Township approved a general construction renewal levy of 2 mills for three years by a vote of 121 to 72.
Voters in Lafayette Township approved a current expenses renewal levy of 1 mill for five years by a vote of 756 to 565.
Voters in Virginia Township approved a road Improvements renewal levy of 2.5 mills for five years by a vote of 101 to 67.
Voters in White Eyes Township approved a fire protection renewal levy of 1 mill for five years by a vote of 253 to 134.
Voters in Buckeye Joint Vocational School District approved a building and current expenses renewal levy of 1 mill for five years by a vote of 81 to 67.
Voters in East Knox Local School District voted down a general permanent improvements additional levy of 1.5 mills by a vote of 3 to 0.
Voters in Bedford, Bethlehem, Clark, Monroe, Tiverton, Jefferson, New Castle and Perry Townships as well as the villages of Nellie and Warsaw approved a fire protection services renewal levy of 1.5 mills for five years by a vote of 1,304 to 729.
Voters in Coshocton County approved a 911 emergency services renewal levy of 2 mills for five years by a vote of 7,163 to 3,739.
Voters in Coshocton County approved an emergency medical services renewal Levy of 1 mill for five years by a vote of 7,274 to 3,611.
Voters in Coshocton County approved a mental health and recovery services renewal levy of 0.8 mill for 10 years by a vote of 6,202 to 4,596.
Voters in Coshocton County approved a senior citizens services and facilities renewal levy of 1.25 mills for five years by a vote of 7,376 to 3,429.
Voters in Coshocton County voted down electric aggregation by a vote of 3,384 to 2,090.
Voters in the city of Coshocton approved a roads and bridges renewal levy of 2.4 mills for five years by a vote of 2,267 to 1,015.
Voters in the city of Coshocton approved electric aggregation by a vote of 1,677 to 1,481.
Voters in the city of Coshocton approved gas aggregation by a vote of 1,707 to 1,431.
Voters in the village of Warsaw approved a current expenses renewal levy of 2 mills for five years by a vote of 146 to 88.
See unofficial results from across the region here.