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New “Defining Moments Podcast” Tells Stories of Living Well During Adversity

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A new podcast will launch on Memorial Day – “Defining Moments Podcast: Conversations about Health and Healing.
The podcast is created by Dr. Lynn Harter and is produced by WOUB Public Media. Dr. Harter is a Communication Studies professor, Emmy-winning documentarian, storyteller and the co- founder of the Barbara Geralds Institute for Storytelling and Social Impact in the Scripps College of Communication at Ohio University.
Her academic specialty is narrative theory and storytelling practice and she is an expert in the field of health communication.
The new podcast showcases stories about living well in the midst of vulnerability and hardship. Episodes feature an eclectic group of guests who share moments of uncertainty, innovation and resilience.
Dr. Harter draws on twenty years of experience in health contexts to spark conversations that move between personal anecdotes and societal health challenges.
In a new podcast feature, each episode will be accompanied by articles written for “Health Communication” published by the Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group and other online resources.
Dr. Harter talks with the Spectrum Podcast and previews episodes coming in Season 1 and describes the purpose and the genesis of this new podcast concept.
In addition to this conversation, she also has available a three minute preview of the podcast.
You can access that preview at

or at Apple Podcasts

The preview also is available on Stitcher

and at Google Play